Who Was Books?


“Who Was” books are a series of biographies aimed at young readers, typically between the ages of 8 and 12 years old. The series was created by the American author and publisher, Grosset & Dunlap, and has become immensely popular in the field of children’s literature. The books are part of the wider “Who Was?” series, which also includes “What Was?” and “Where Is?” titles. The main aim of “Who Was” books is to introduce children to the lives and accomplishments of historical figures, famous personalities, and influential individuals from various fields such as science, arts, politics, sports, and more. The series covers a wide range of subjects, including renowned historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cleopatra, as well as modern-day icons like Steve Jobs, Serena Williams, and Malala Yousafzai.

Each “Who Was” book offers an engaging and informative narrative that presents the subject’s life story in an accessible manner. The language is tailored to be age-appropriate, making it easy for young readers to comprehend and connect with the biography. The books are usually around 100 pages in length, making them a manageable read for children with shorter attention spans. One of the notable features of the “Who Was” series is the inclusion of illustrations, maps, and photographs that add visual appeal and context to the biographies. These elements help to reinforce the historical setting, events, and achievements of the individuals being portrayed, enhancing the overall reading experience.

    The series has received praise for its educational value, as it not only introduces children to history and biography but also encourages them to learn about different cultures, social issues, and the impact of influential figures on the world. The “Who Was” books are often used in classrooms and school libraries to supplement history lessons and inspire young minds to pursue their own dreams and ambitions. In totality, the “Who Was” series continues to expand, with new biographies being added regularly. It has undoubtedly left a lasting impression on young readers, fostering a love for history, biography, and reading in general.


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