Sudan Conflict 2023


The Sudan Conflict: Oh, What an Unrivalled Showcase of Global Apathy Towards Peace

In a world where all countries are occupied with their own affairs, Sudan is grappling with internal conflict or rivalry between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Though, international communities are more shaken by Russia- Ukraine war, but the poor country like Sudan need wider attention to settle down their internal conflict and restore the peace.   However, it seems that this turmoil has gone unnoticed, as the international community remains preoccupied with their respective tasks and challenges. Despite the severity of the situation, this troubled country finds itself overshadowed and ignored by the rest of the world, left to confront its struggles without the attention or support it so desperately needs.

Source: NBC News

    Within each beating heart resides a universe of untold stories and dreams, for every human life is precious, a symphony of experiences waiting to unfold.” Thus, the people of Sudan are equally important as others and they have right to healthy and happy life. The situation of Sudan is well researched and presented by the ALJAZEERA in their recent report titled “100 days of fighting in Sudan and no peace in sight: What to know.” The readers of this blog can access the report through official website of Aljazeera or can use following link:

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